EVENT: Communist Stall in Manchester

Yes, you read it right! Not Scotland, not Wales - Manchester!

The first of many stalls, where we hope to raise the profile of the Party and the Morning Star.

Very little snow in Manchester but, of course, it was drizzling. However, encouraged by an email from a comrade sending his good wishes and saying how important it is to give the Party and the M Star a presence on the streets, we set up at Piccadilly Gardens. The stall looked passable with two flags draped over it. We had to put the lit. out in plastic covers so it wasn't the best presentation I've ever seen. Those of us who'd been to Buchanan Street commented that we'd have to do better, but not bad for starters.

Greater Manchester comrades braving
the elements in Piccadilly Gardens
Several people showed an interest. Dave had a long discussion with a friendly Chinese comrade. A foreign student came and talked about his involvement in the student protest. He bought a M Star and looked through the lit. so we gave him a Communist Review back number and Matt told him about our Facebook page. A couple of people bought a M Star saying they hadn't seen it for years. One of them was wearing a H&S hat badge. An ex-Party member on his way to a union meeting stopped and bought a pamphlet - under his arm were a few copies of the MS of his own he was taking to sell.

After two and a half hours we were getting cold and hungry. The rain was getting heavier. The M Stars were turning to paper mache and you coudn't read the pamphlet titles through the rain drops.

Matt's back was turned as he was patiently and quietly counselling a hysterical, rabidly anti-Soviet guy who had just threatened and insulted an 82 year old female comrade who wouldn't enter into a slanging match with him. His was the only negative response we got. We seized the moment, slyly packed up and slunk away promising to behave with more revolutionary fervour in better weather.

We only sold 7 M Stars and one pamphlet but it was a dreadful day and we were competing with Debenham's half price sale! There's lots of things to improve on but we made a start and several people who didn't know there was a Communist Party know now. Will we make it a regular event? Definitely!